Cavour4Italy - Dar Es Salaam: an unexpected stop for the 30 ° GN


The 30 ° Naval Group, after almost 2 months, has separated again: in Kenya the Cavour aircraft carrier stopped along with the supplier of the Etna Team, while in Tanzania they moored the new Bergamini Frigate and the Borsini Patrol Boat.

A stop initially not foreseen in the dense itinerary planned, which will see the "Country in Movement System" protagonist in other 10 ports of the African continent.

A country, Tanzania, constantly growing and navigating the route of dialogue with the most developed countries, as evidenced by the recent presence of Italian Units framed in the devices NATO and Europeans for anti-piracy operations, such as: Nave San Marco (March 2013) and Nave Libeccio (December 2013), in addition to the Units of various countries that have understood the strategic importance of the region. A contribution, the Italian one, which ranges from humanitarian commitment to maritime cooperation, through this country defined by the Vicar of the Embassy Dr. Antonio Silvi “Gateway to Central Africa”.

A rich and complex background, immersed in a reality often common to many African regions where the poverty of the population reaches unacceptable levels.

Unacceptable for those who are certain that every life should be worthily lived. Unacceptable especially for those who realize that this poverty is an ax that is struck without hesitation especially on the weakest, especially on children who do not even have the economic possibility of going to school.

This is how, inspired by the experience lived by Nave Libeccio, on Sunday 12 January, a group of willing soldiers from Nave Bergamini and Nave Borsini made contact with the “Cottolengo Sisters” school in Dar Es Salaam. There were children between 3 and 10 years old who crowded the school and enthusiastically played with the soldiers, who, armed with a lot of good will, carried out small but important maintenance works.

"To see each other again in a photo with bright eyes while playing with them was moving: certain situations need to be lived in order to remain marked and certain smiles are more imprinted on those who receive them than on the one who gives them. It is in these images that the sense of charity and altruism typical of the sailor is reflected, which will accompany us until we return home ".


Source: Military Navy