Ambulance flight with a C130J transport aircraft from the 46 ^ Air Brigade

(To air Force)

The Air Force once again engaged in a flight for emergency medical transport. The transfer, from Alghero to Pisa, was carried out today by a C130J of the 46ª Pisa Air Brigade.

In the morning of today at the Situation Hall of the Air Force Command Squadron of the Italian Air Force, a request was received from the Prefecture of Sassari for the urgent transport of a woman of 55 years, judged in immediate danger of life by the Hospital of Alghero and for which, therefore, an immediate transport by air was necessary at the Santa Chiara Hospital of Pisa, equipped with health facilities suitable for assistance.

The C130J took off from Pisa late in the morning to Alghero to load the patient and a medical team and return to Pisa in the early afternoon, around the 14 and 30. Here, the woman with the health staff were dropped off by the Air Force specialists and continued their journey to the hospital on board an ambulance of the Pisa hospital.