Vega 2018: the assets of the Italian Air Force train to intercept low-speed aircraft

(To air Force)

The assets of the Air Force that are participating in the Vega 2018, inserted within the Joint Stars 2018, are also training in flight missions to intercept low-speed aircraft, in technical jargon slow movers interception.

Helicopters HH-101, HH-139A, HH212, Predator, Eurofighter, Air Riflemen and the Riser of Air Defense mobile radar are just some of the assets of the Italian Air Force which, together with other members of the Armed Forces, are training to the interception of low altitude aircraft. The hypothesized scenarios are diversified and complex, you train to intercept an aircraft or a helicopter that proceeds at limited speed and altitude that could pose a security threat.

The training scenarios have been designed to be as realistic as possible to real needs; more and more often, in fact, the Air Force and the Armed Forces are called to make a significant contribution within the security framework linked to major events. The G7 of Taormina or the Jubilee are just some examples of the events that saw the Armed Forces operate alongside public security agencies.