The War on Covid 19 and the deserters
Not even a distracted observer can escape the "military" guise gradually assumed by the vaccination campaign. Starting with the appointment of a general as commissioner ...
The story to scale
It often happens that in the career of military historians, but not only, there is a past linked to the game with toy soldiers, the famous Wargame or better still Kriegspiele. A game...
Afghan refugees: does this welcome represent us?
“I adapt, I resist, for me there are no problems. But if my children ask me for food, what can I tell them? " Speaking is one of the Afghan refugees, on behalf of a group of ...
Hammer and sickle boulevard
If we wanted to give an idea of ​​the passage of time and the events that have characterized it, we could have recourse, with a certain (im) forgivable indulgence to cinema, to force ...
Dark evil
On a Friday morning like many others, the news of the umpteenth suicide of a boy with stars; we don't know why, we imagine that there are many, too many to bear to ...
Fighting summer fires with the help of technology
These days, as every year, the news of runaway fires, often malicious, mercilessly destroying our forest heritage, crops and pastures, are on ...
Di Maio anti-Isis champion. Laugh so as not to cry ...
The threat of the Islamic State “is particularly alarming on the African continent, specifically in the Sahel region, but also in areas of East Africa, such as the ...
Do I shoot or don't I shoot?
Last Sunday near the Termini station the policemen had to face one of the most unpredictable and among the most dangerous threats in the world, namely a man ...

A reflection on the changing world: the meaning of the celebrations of the Republic Day and why they must be maintained
Italy is a great nation that finds its own identity in its history and culture that makes us all Italians. This ...
Show your muscles
History teaches that when a nation flexes its muscles, barring sensational bluffs, the first to be defeated is ...
Italy calls, the Army responds!
In Italy we have a recurring habit of snubbing uniforms whatever they are, but then when we are in the quagmire ...
The fear of uniforms
Putting into practice Andreotti's maxim "thinking badly makes you sin but often you get it right", bad thoughts ...
Good-bye Afghanistan, we joked!
On April 13, the US press reported that Biden declared that the US will withdraw from Afghanistan by 11 ...
Vivaro's guns
In the avalanche of teasing that raged on social media after the serious mistake committed in the Friulian polygon by ...
The Guerini line: here are the challenges of the Italian defense
The Minister of Defense, Lorenzo Guerini, expressed the programmatic lines of his dicastery before the ...
Civilian forces or armed protection?
The dual-use furrow traced by the Plow-Trenta today is defended by many swords, not only political but also ...
Logistics and National Power: a reflection
Due to its geographical position reaching out to the center of the Mediterranean, Italy throughout its history has always ...
Sailors, conscription and solidarity
Fabrizio has already left us for three years. Fabrizio was the most enterprising 'helmsman' sub-chief, ...
Who would you vote for now?
In the mare magnum of the network, in the last few days, an interesting movie has been circulating: technically well done, ...
Stop arms exports to Saudi Arabia. A comment
The company RWM Italia SpA appeals against the government's decision to suspend the export of arms to Arabia ...
