So it thundered that it rained

(To David Rossi)

So it thundered that it rained. Popular wisdom warns us to interpret the signs we see around us, starting from the political crisis of almost three months which, fortunately (even if not only for a blind and irrational design such as luck) is resolved in these hours, with the oath of the first cabinet of Giuseppe Conte.

In recent weeks, the challenge has been, so to speak, bellum omnium contra omnesOnly the strongest could have prevailed in a clash that would have pleased the natural law thinker Thomas Hobbes. Yeah, according to the author of the Leviathan, human nature is fundamentally selfish and suspicious, and determining the actions of man is only the instinct of survival and that of oppression. In such a vision, it seems to see the genesis of the "contract" between Matteo Salvini and Luigi Di Maio: man can feel pushed to approach his fellow man and to bind himself in a consortium not in virtue of a natural love, but only for fear reciprocal.

This state of affairs leads, as a consequence, to the prevalence of the Male Alpha of the pack of Italian politics, which is not the one that cries louder or which attracts more individuals vocating around itself: it is the one that bends the will of that and of these, because it prevails both at its own as happens in nature, where only the Male Alpha transmits its own DNA. In Italian politics he is able to dictate the conditions of the game and to seat the decisive players, in spite of this or that pack leader.

You will have understood that I am speaking of the President of the Republic. The government of change was ... changed after an iron fight that lasted five days, during which they alternated personal psychodramas (Di Maio) and attempts at castling, with Matteo Salvini and the Lega who shielded the electoral campaign for the administrative and opinion polls in order not to lose a favorable position.

Everything useless. The will of the Quirinale has prevailed, a building where, apparently, paraphrasing Dante "you can do what you want". Paolo Savona, authoritative economist but not a genius of political communication, has been so moved to relations with the European institutions: on closer inspection, not a step ahead of the place where we had left the beauty of 24 years ago: to deal with industry and trade in the government of Carlo Azeglio Ciampi.

At the Ministry located in the Palazzo delle Finanze in Via XX Settembre, the one holding the keys to the executive power in Italy (if the highest hill agrees), Giovanni Tria was placed, not a proud pro-European and not a friend of the Germany (who could be, reading the oversights of the querulous Teutonic gossip and gossip of these years?), But to read a healthy realist in the field of accounts management. "Get out of the euro? 'It is not convenient', but Europe must be changed from within or the system will implode. To reduce the deficit by obtaining a modification of the EU rules? It is unlikely'. Citizenship Income? A 'strengthened' form of unemployment benefits. The Flat tax? It can work, but on the cover you can not bet: it must be gradual and can be financed with the increase in VAT. The Fornero Law? 'Despicable' talk about changes without saying how. Ilva? An 'embarrassing' position1. Music for the ears of the writer. Perhaps he will be able to sing in chorus with the Conte cabinet: or more likely, he will be the conductor. Yes, because we seem to have clear ideas when he writes about the Sole 24 Ore four hands with Berlusconi Renato Brunetta: "The greatest danger is implosion, not exit. We think about the proposals in the field and we look for solutions shared by all the member countries of the European Union, to travel together rather than using the logic 'Brexit', so when Europe does not agree or no longer likes it is abandoned. Changing together, as a positive plus strategic game, is possible and convenient. Going out alone means paying only costs without benefits "2.

If we had been in a real presidential Republic, probably the minister would have been chosen even more according to the heart of the head of the state: however, even so the hand of Sergio Mattarella is seen rightly on the government's order. The quirinal touch is felt more in the choice of the top of the Farnesina, where the stakeholder the executive wanted to hijack Paolo Savona.

Nyet! On the armchair that was by Aldo Moro, by Giulio Andreotti, by Lamberto Dini, by Franco Frattini and, more recently and with less glory, by Angelino Alfano, Enzo Moaghero Milanesi, former minister with Mario Monti and Enrico Letta, will sit down. Tireless negotiator, attentive to the preparatory phase, has saved our country by vetoing the German government when it opposed the anti-spread shield3. Sorry if it is little ... In short, the Quirinale has forced the yellow-green majority (which almost became the Jamaican majority, allowing Brothers of Italy to enter) on the road that probably had in mind since the very evening of the elections: a government with political foundations but with a solid technical backbone.

The next four years will offer the so-called "sovereign" forces the rare opportunity to govern, whether they continue with this legislature or attempt a "coup" in a few months to strengthen themselves in the Senate. Then, the most important game will open: the succession to Mattarella. Because for better or worse it is in the former palace of the Pope King that the most important decisions are taken. And some might like to become the Italian Trump. Indeed, more: because Trump can not hold Congress members under the sword of Damocles for new immediate and devastating elections, to force them to cease hostilities. Already, we can conclude by stating that on the cover of the modern Leviathan, in Italy these would have the face of the president of the Republic ....