Suicides between entrepreneurs and unemployed: victims of state injustice? Better to talk about it ...

(To Gianluca Celentano)

Anger and a sense of abandonment have no limits on the anxious subject of unemployment; a condition that is often indescribable when we listen to the understandable outpourings of citizens who are victims of an injustice to which politics seems to have failed, at least for now to offer real answers to the drama.

About 3 million, source ISTAT 2017, the unemployed in our country and among them a good part is aged between 30 and 50 years, generally the most multi-specialized.

A reality often experienced by our compatriots, as a deep frustration but also as an unjust shame, at least for the more mature; and openly declaring disapproval of a system unable to give them job opportunities is not without fear of retaliation, or even worse, of a definitive exclusion from the world of work.

Suicides are also absurd

The state of abandonment, the remoteness of concrete answers and the continuing to receive from the TV reassuring news that, however, are not transformed, at least immediately, into solutions damaging the drama, has led a part of excluded from the right to work unequaled conditions of depression and with obvious public costs.

In many cases cited in the news, the weakest and weakened in the basin of this condition also formed by entrepreneurs as well as former workers, there were few self-injurious phenomena or worse, those who after long suffering and prejudice received during the talks supported have chosen to take your life.

To give an idea of ​​the magnitude of the phenomenon we could analyze an article by "La Repubblica" about a study carried out by the Department of Psychiatry of Zurich and published in 2015, which denounces about 900 suicides in Italy due to unemployment, ie just over half of the 1500 deaths due to road accidents detected in the 2017 ( Sky Tg24 source).

Without wishing to be guilty of populism - and as long as it is a pity to be - many of you will come to mind after these data, the articles 1, 4 and 36 cited in the Constitution of the Italian Republic, articles that with the new century and especially after 2007 seem to have become the hope of their own rights to which thousands of young and old cling to what we could define as "transparent".

"We will let you know ..."

In fact, if the unemployment alarm is one of the issues highlighted in red on the agenda of the new government, it is also true that the continuous "we will let you know" received during the talks, relegate these citizens to a status of deprivation of a basic right but also of transparency and secrecy towards a social context that should be healthy, free of prejudices and guaranteed.

The jobs act: my experience (like many) rewarded and liquidated

After giving up the idea of ​​starting my own in passenger transport considering the costs, in 2013 after a period of "transparent", I was contacted by a multinational public and regional transport company with buses.

Despite the euphoria for a line job part timein two and a half years I was given a series of fixed-term contracts.

Five months before the expiry of the last contract scheduled for June 2015, I receive a registered letter of praise from the general manager for the quality with which I had carried out my work, managing in the best way even the difficult relationship with passengers. The letter of reference in Anglo-Saxon countries is a custom and an excellent initiative and it allows the physiological continuity of work in other companies but here it does not seem to be quite like this.

Although I thought I had managed to stabilize myself, in June the contract was not renewed and I ended up in the vortex of precariousness, but I faced it with my head held high.

Then there are those who do not answer the telephone ... Is altruism missing?

Do not send feedback messages or be denied by telephone, are those annoying habits of those who, although understanding the drama of precariousness - at least hopefully - prefer to bury the problem in the sand rather than face it within the limits of its possibilities.

A "kind" confederal unionist with the position of provincial referent for a famous initials, it was proposed to follow the position of the drivers part time although for the moment we were not clearly registered.

All very commendable, as his reassurance on our future work, pity however that the gentle contact after the final expiration of the contract has disappeared leaving me alone and without alternatives or communications.

I can understand even if I do not understand, the needs of a company to make profit, to a certain extent we mean; but what annoys me most is the hypocritical and false behavior of those who have chosen to defend the work, instead subtracting their responsibilities.

Too much distance between "good salons "and reality

This is one of the reasons that contributed to the sinking of a political party by favoring the more radical alignments, those who are now accused of "populism".

The questions are many but one in particular comes to mind: "As you can think, choosing to have a government office, to persevere policies rather short-sighted to the needs of the country following without the right negotiation only the will imposed by the most virtuous countries, and convinced that the people are good and quiet without blows an eyelid?"

In the face of this, I remember a passage on a book written by a famous statesman of the last century: "At best, Europe will be a limbo, at worst a hell" (Bettino Craxi, 1997)

The fault of this inviting work drama should probably be sought in the past years and perhaps the finger should be aimed at those who knew but did not speak or knew but could not move differently.

Defiscalize work, must agree to hire the unemployed

I categorically refuse to think of a real rivalry between Italian and foreign workers indeed, if anything it is true that the Italian civil and cultural emancipation has generated opportunities and work spaces for foreign workers.

On the other hand, if a foreign citizen is hired in good standing, he perceives the same contractual skills as an Italian worker. If anything, one wonders what differences or tax reliefs can exist between the hiring of non-EEC and Italian workers.

In the freight transport sector, currently collapsing, it is not difficult to run into foreign companies that make a profit in Italy by hiring truck drivers from outside the EEC, however the government seems to have guaranteed an iron fist towards this reality that penalizes the work of our drivers.

Worthy of note and with not a few shadows, as reported by several newspapers including "The eco of Bergamo" is the achievement of licenses from foreigners who barely know the Italian language, a current topic and that maybe we will face in a another article.

The work of the military and representation

As you already know, the new Minister Trenta has shown appreciation and approval for a new page on the rights of our soldiers, a step forward compared to CoCer.

Moreover we were the last in Europe to not have a union for citizens with stars. Perhaps the next step will concern a hierarchy that is more horizontal and more autonomous than the soldier, a bit like the most modern armies.

To make a union means to have at heart, to understand and to solve the problems of the workers guaranteeing and improving the good job, an important aspect to underline after having observed on the military forums some skepticism towards this conquest.

The unemployment problem also concerns the military in temporary detention, rather than those waiting to win a competition in Spe (Effective Permanent Service, ed) or in some State Corps.

The technology and the modern operational set-ups, impose and impose more and more slender, dynamic and avant-garde Armed Forces, and this will perhaps diminish the guarantee for the young people in uniform of an indeterminate permanence within the FFAA; in some ways a ritual handed down from father to son.

The reserve selected as well as a short service, could have even more green light especially with a view to reducing and optimizing public expenditure, and to be used as an aid or for logistic and civil protection activities.

In this context, the PREVIMIL initiative structured by the Ministry of Defense that through the military command of the area facilitates the placement of the dismissed military to the civil work is praiseworthy. Too bad that for civil citizens there does not seem to exist a preferential lane so well organized.

I dedicate this article to all those people who do not have a job, a certainty and a guarantee of security in the already too many sufferings that, in silence and in solitude, they carry within them. For me you too are heroes of a wrong page of history and, although it is difficult for me to convince myself of it, I feel like inviting you to optimism, sharing the pain that must never, ever lead to humiliation or worse to extreme gestures.

(photo: web / Quirinale / US Army)