Al Qaeda is still a real danger. A scenario to prove it ...

(To David Rossi)

"Five years after its implementation, the European terrorism agreement is bearing fruit: the instantaneous exchange of data on suspects of links with Islamic extremism, the continuous monitoring of prisons to prevent radicalization and isolation for prisoners suspected of acting as radicalizing agents allowed to conclude the first year without attacks by the Islamic State in Europe".

The general director of the Bundeskriminalamt, in Munich to visit the family, took the opportunity to visit the Bayerisches Staatsministerium des Innern und für Integration, to discuss with the minister about the implementation of further measures for the integration of Islamic religion migrants into the forces of police, but not in a hurry to discuss: in the late morning of Christmas Eve the Minister of the Interior of the Bavarian land, according to tradition, attends the distribution of present to members of its staff and the staff of the ministry, located in Odeonplatz. He is busy shaking hands and making wishes and not even the cell phone vibrating on the desk. Not bad: it's just a message from his counterpart in Berlin that reminds him to take the train in time. A member of the party and a few years before the same ministry, the Bundesminister, in turn, checks and rechecks that his suit is in place for the press conference scheduled shortly at Willy-Brandt Strasse's 1, the seat of the Federal Chancellery. He has just read the fake ironic message from the Swiss federal councilor Haller, who was still the owner of the domestic affairs department for a few days, before assuming the role of Bundespräsident for a year, the first in his canton after almost a hundred years.

"They will pass as many years before a Bavarian becomes a chancellor in Germany". He jokes. As the Italian colleague jokes, who did not make himself heard because he does not speak either English or German, but he did get a beautiful tie Marinella to his Teutonic colleague, accompanied by a wit that no one is able to translate, because mixed Italian and dialect. The same model of tie came to the British Home Secretary, particularly welcome to the Italian minister, so admired by Brexit. The MI5 manager is busy reading the latest reports on the state of security and immigration and has not opened the envelopes of his Italian and American colleagues. An invitation to a transatlantic security summit to be held next year has also arrived from Washington from the US Secretary of the Interior. The owner of the Department of the Interior, a practicing Catholic, regrets only that he can not reach his family, in Rome for the Mass on Christmas Eve. Look at the clock: it's the 4 of the afternoon on the East Coast: probably, his wife and daughter are already accommodated in the Petrine basilica and are busy shaking hands with cardinals and high priests.

In Rome, Adam, an Italian wife and two sons who will be doing the little altar boys in the parish, will soon look at the clock.

"What time is it?"

"It's time. Did you put the video online? "


The Israeli premier is the first to be informed, but it is now too late to warn anyone: watch the video for a second time, holding his head in his hands. For five years, an Al Qaeda cell has infiltrated many Western countries, disguising a very free lifestyle, sometimes casual, to attract any attention from the security services. To this end, the members of the cell have broken off relations with each other and with the "network", having fixed in advance the actions to be carried out. None of them would have come into contact with the others. If one in the meantime had died, the operation would have proceeded without his contribution.

With his face covered, the speaker reads everyone's names and tasks.

"Omar has worked for years as a sommelier at the restaurant inside the Bundeshaus in Bern: given the lack of security checks, it will not struggle to hide and detonate explosives right at the time of the arrival of the most representative members of the Federal Council ".

"Khaled and Ahmed are PhD students at a prestigious Italian university. The Rome-Milan high-speed train will explode in the Reggio Emilia station at the time of the transit of two trains of the same type, causing a massacre both for the explosion and for the subsequent and devastating accident ".

"In Rome, in the queue to attend Mass in St. Peter, we infiltrated four Brazilian pilgrims of Lebanese origin. In London, a gay couple living in Surrey will act for five years, with an adopted son and a well-established entertainment business that will allow them to move undisturbed. In Berlin during a formal dinner of the deputies CSU and CDU a waiter born in Germany will be our man. In New York in Grand Central Station we will activate four Californian canoeists, very good in their respective disciplines and justified by their sport in carrying bulky luggage. Each of these warriors of the true religion will be activated after years of apparent 'sleep' and will launch in the crowd or in public buildings attacks with nerve gas ... "

At this point, the Bavarian Minister's cell phone starts to play wildly. But it's all useless: in Berlin almost nobody survived and the few who succeeded envy the dead.

All this is the writer's pure fantasy. Who would like to remind the reader that the greatest danger to our security is the belief that the Islamic terrorist is necessarily a misfit, with problems of addiction or mental health, use to attack with a knife or only with cars to be thrown on the crowd , according to the custom of the Islamic State.

Al Qaeda, with its organizational capacity and logistic skills, is not dead and has not converted to an arm of unmentionable interests: it is still active, ready to get out of sleep and hit to death. Also in the way just illustrated ...

(picture: Michele Marsan)