Goodbye George Herbert Walker Bush, no one like you in modern US history

(To Frank Montana)

When an American president dies, everyone is affectionate to say how great a man he was. George Herbert Walker Bush, on the other hand, was a great man of power.

Without praising his political achievements or not, it is absolutely not wrong to argue that he has governed American politics at the highest world levels for 21 years, 12 of which uninterruptedly. Yet the detail of the last eight years of power without official office has almost escaped everyone, or almost ...

It was a personality who ruled a lot despite being in a democratic system, like the American one, which has a strong political rotation.

It is a proven fact that the CIA heavily influences foreign policy with its operations. Bush was its director.

It is a historical fact that Ronald Reagan (40 ° President) wanted him deputy because he got involved in foreign policy.

It has been officially recognized as 41 ° President.

It is a fact that the son had become the 43 ° President (and as in all families sometimes the children ask the fathers for advice).

It almost seems that George Herbert Walker Bush in life had practiced a political variant of the potlatch, from the chinook language "gift", used by the Indians Kwakiutl: to destroy objects of power to have power.

A year at the CIA, eight as Reagan's deputy, four as president and eight as president's father. Even removing the last two mandates of the child, as not directly invested, however, are very many.

It is good to remember that while the son was in charge, the Superman of power was received in Italy by political leaders for a series of meetings and the industrial elite for a dinner behind closed doors. He held no official office!

So why did they treat him with all the honors? Whether he was in charge or not, the workaholic of power was always in the care of everyone, even historical enemies. Saddam Hussein, in fact, honored him with a mosaic floor in front of the entrance door of the al-Rashid Hotel in Baghdad. In doing so, Bush's face was constantly trampled on. Showing the sole of shoes or trampling are very serious offenses in the culture of the Middle East. But after all, this is also a way of showing that he was a man of power.