Letter to Defense Online: made "Thirty" let's thirty one!


I believe that the guidelines of Minister Elisabetta Trenta in the matter of military unionization, the fight against the obesity of the staff in service, the reduction of 25% of the staff of military chaplains and the timeless "shedding light on the deafening silences on depleted uranium" are not epochal but tend to divert attention from the umpteenth tile that looms over the credibility of the Italian Armed Forces: the further cut of 500 million euros from the Defense budget.

About depleted uranium I remember that it is almost twenty years that it debates science, cancer medicine, the judiciary and, most of the times boisterously, politics. The first commission that faced the problem was that led by the oncologist Franco Mandelli (we are in 2001); in the same year followed the conference promoted by the OCRA of the Tuscan Coordination of the League against Tumors led by Franco Nobile, and later the Institute of Health (Prof. Musumeci) and United Nations were pronounced against the theory of depleted uranium-tumors. The UN Enviroment Program that ruled: "the risks both radiological and chemical due to the presence of depleted uranium-based projectiles are irrelevant".

I also remember the opinion expressed by Professor Giuseppe Remuzzi of the Negri Institute of Bergamo: "depleted uranium, material with which more than a thousand objects of daily use are made, including the stents that cardiac surgeons insert into our coronaries, emit 3 million times lower than those of the Ra-226, which is nothing more than the paint used to make the hands of alarm clocks and clocks phosphorescent ".

Last year the professors Giorgio Trenta and Mario Mariani spoke about this matter. But all these authoritative opinions are regularly ignored or forgotten (deafening silences?) Like the results of the research "Gaviano-Petretto", sponsored by the University of Cagliari, and the attestation of the Guiness world longevity released by international organizations to the populations (coincidentally!) by Perdasdefogu and Teulada grown in symbiosis with the Sardinian poligons indicted.

Icing on the cake: in pSardinian oligons has never been fired a single depleted uranium projectile! So we are investigating the causes that cause damage to the health of the military (vaccines, asbestos, cigarette smoke, genetic factors on a family basis, etc.), but always draw in the uranium impoverished has something suspicious.

As for the initiatives on unionization and obesity of the staff in service and on the reduction of military chaplains, I prefer to abstain from expressing an opinion, while I would like to remind the Minister that in the past years the percentage of the GDP allocated to our Armed Forces has been reduced up to the current 1% (France and the United Kingdom allocate to defense about twice their respective GDP, with budgets of over 40 billion, compared to the 20 billion available in Italy).

Continuing on this road (made "Thirty" we do thirty one!) I fear that the Italian military path will become "no return" and that for the future you just want to create a handyman soldier, usable in the dual-use version, good for all seasons ... less than in one: the peculiar one of the fighter. This trend line, with all due respect to goodism and today's globalism, could weigh a future on our safety, our children and our grandchildren. History teaches us that to upset political, international alliances and good proposals is enough a cataclysm of any kind it is ... if not even the madness of a single man! In this case only those who will be able to express credible military efficiency, which can not be improvised, can say their own and be respected. The others will have to bend their heads.

To ignore these responsibilities on the part of the current institutional summits, both political and military, including the Head of State, Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, means assuming serious responsibilities.

Gen. D. Nicolò Manca

(former Commander of the "Sassar" Brigade)