Letter to the editor regarding "A lesson for today's strategists from Lawrence of Arabia"


Egr. director, I am a reader of the magazine recently. I appreciated some articles and others would have something to say very briefly.

Allow me in particular to disagree with reference toin-depth study on Lawrence of Arabia on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The term Palestinian as a people and others, it is a product of the sixties to identify a population invented of a healthy plant. The populations existing in that call Palestine under the British rule were nomadic Arabs from Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Syria.

In the cities of Haifa, Jerusalem, Acco, etc. the Arab, Druze, Christian, Jewish inhabitants, etc. it didn't matter if the Balfour treaty provided for the establishment of a Jewish home. In fact, the states born from that treaty and subsequently from the Sanremo conference were not reasons for conflict. The interests linked to the exploitation of oil fields were and still are the cause.

British Petroleum, did not allow the establishment of the Jewish state, was always against despite the British government having promised it for the services of the Jewish chemical scientist Chaim Weissman, to whose victory in the First World War he had contributed. The problem for the British was to do business with the Arabs. The attribution of Middle Eastern problems to the so-called Israeli-Palestinian conflict is a propaganda force by the UN commanded, as we see every day, by Muslim countries. Palestinian terrorism against Israel, an element of considerable pressure, is fomented by those who have now established a very strong link with interests that go well beyond those of the so-called Palestinian people: Abu Mazen and his affiliates derive from this conflict, which they themselves feed, income for billions of dollars.

The Iran project that wants to establish its supremacy on this part of the world, which is not part of the Middle Eastern states and was not part of that defined area of ​​the British mandate after the end of the First World War, entered the affair he strengthens the role of terrorist exporter in the Middle East with terrorist organizations that feeds Hamas, Al Fatah, Hezbollah, other inemen and elsewhere in order to control the Middle East itself.

These are the real problems, attributing to Israel and its recent history, as it is claimed in the article, responsibility for the ongoing conflict, it is only old propaganda from Arab countries overtaken by the facts. 

With best regards