The 4 November we wanted to attend?

(To Andrea Cucco)

Italy is a strange country. He embarks on international peacekeeping or restoration operations - when the others have not yet finished saying "what I have ... or have done" - but he has a Sunday love for his soldiers.

Yesterday was celebrated Armed Forces Day and how always it happens, the country's war capabilities have been compressed into harmless commemorations.

Speeches have been read (which have only a change of date, every now and then of the speaker) and also this year the task has been fulfilled.

What was there to do or say different?

Let people know what was actually done to honor the 7.800 bodies present in the Italian Catholic cemetery in Tripoli, desecrated on the eve of the day of the dead. This is beyond the "deploration" of what happened.

Begin to tell ordinary people that men in uniform are capable of much more than choreographic or spectacular ceremonial activities.

Explain even better how the boys sent to die a hundred years ago were not different and did not feel differently from those sent today on a mission. We didn't want to leak bad news then and, in other ways, we still don't do it today ...

Maybe suspend until two soldiers, guilty only of being such, are prisoners in a terrible Kafkaesque situation that is constantly trying to suffocate and eliminate from the media.

Among the many things.

We have wars on our doorstep and we live - largely undergoing its effects - as if they weren't there.

We hope that when the enemy arrives we will not find ourselves absorbed (or drowsy) in witnessing the nth celebration.


To conclude a question to the Navy that, before the recent one makeover, had the yellow ribbon of solidarity with the two fusiliers soar on its site. The symbol is no longer present on the home page of the portal.

Webmaster oversight or "suggested" decision - Machiavellian - from above?