Turkey's suspension application of fundamental rights
In the aftermath of the failed coup, the 15 July 2016, which lasted a handful of hours 1, the Ankara authorities proclaimed a state of emergency and, consequently, the ...
Use of the Sigonella base and armed drones. Italy's role in the fight against ISIS in Libya
Regarding the issue of Italian participation in the fight against ISIS in Libya, alongside the United States, we must highlight some delicate steps to not end, ...
The US raids in Libya in the light of international law
In recent days, in Libya, and in particular in the area of ​​Sirte, some "targeted" bombings by the US aviation took place, which would have hit ...
First US air strikes against ISIS in Libya. Use of lawful force?
It is a first bitter taste of the US air forces against the pseudo Islamic State present in some areas of Libya, especially in the city of Sirte, which seems ...
Italian military legislation on Remote Piloted Aircraft (APR)
The current international scenario is characterized more and more incisively by the use of those who, in journalistic jargon, are called drones, both in operations ...
Latest developments of the EUNAVFOR MED II / SOPHIA operation
With the CFSP Decision n.993 / 2016, which modifies the decision (CFSP) n.2015 / 778, relating to a European Union military operation in the south-central Mediterranean (...
Operation EUNAVFOR-MED II or SOPHIA and the action of the United Nations and the European Union against human traffickers
The Council of the European Union (Council constituted by the Heads of State and / or Government) established, in May of the 2015, the operation of the Union's Mediterranean Naval Force ...
The migratory phenomenon ... but not only: the obligation to save human life at sea
It has been a long time since news and television reports reported daily news on rescue operations and sea rescue completed ...

Respect for the Arbitration Order of the Sea: The Union of India gives ok, Girone can return to Italy
Earlier I had already highlighted the first request of the Italian authorities to the courts of the Court of First Instance, with ...
The destruction of our cultural assets during the Second World War: what would happen today?
Armed conflicts have constituted (and still constitute) one of the main causes of damage and ...
International crimes: the distinction between genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes
The recent judgments that have concluded (at least in first instance) two international processes of great importance, to ...
Safety at sea and contrast to illegal activities
To properly address the issue of safety at sea we must immediately specify as initially for ...
International and transnational crimes: the "aut dedere aut judicare" clause. Is there a custom in relation to the crime of genocide?
In relation to defining whether or not there is a custom of the international clause of the auth dedere aut judicare ...
Military laws and cultural heritage in armed conflicts to defend our roots
The importance of the legal protection of cultural heritage has not only established itself nationally but is ...
On military accessory penises: the difference between "degradation" and "removal from grade"
Following various news events regarding criminal offenses committed by the military, it appears necessary to clarify the ...
The legal legitimacy of Italy and its military participation against ISIS
Despite the lack of knowledge of international law on the part of both opposition MPs and ...
Some reflections on the recent bombing of Kunduz hospital in light of international law
The 3 October a US air raid, carried out in support of Afghan troops, caused the destruction of ...
